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Dance Class


health club

(for 30 & Ups)

Stressed Man

Are you a high performer who skips meals, drinks caffeine to get by, eats candy or whatever's around just to make it through the afternoon slump, and feels so mentally drained you can't decide what to eat for dinner, let alone cook?!

Here's the deal...

Tell me more
You want more energy during the day and to sleep better at night.

You want less brain fog, back pain, and soreness.

You want to get fit so you can feel accomplished, reinvigorate your sex drive, and feel confident in their body again.

You want to be on top of your game in your career.
BUT... you're still acting like a teenager WITH FOOD!

What do I mean by that?

While you're succeeding in your career, the way you're eating and treating your body might still be stuck at a younger version of yourself, and it might be what's holding you back from achieving your next big goal.

Like starting that business, winning that competition, becoming partner at your firm.

Are you holding yourself back by eating and treating your body like you used to?

I get it! Becoming a high performer meant sacrificing in other areas of your life...

I’m here to tell you, there’s another way. A way to increase energy during the day and sleep better at night.

A way to not be so tired and hangry all the time!

A way to sustain doing WHAT you love, WITH the people you love.

No, it doesn’t involve keto, intermittent fasting, or the Whole 30.

No juice cleanses, weight loss medications, or the latest diet plans.
In fact, it’s not a plan at all!
In order to create a sustainable path toward your health goals, you need a strategy.
A strategy is a simple, repeatable system that is adaptable to situations and changing circumstances. 

A strategy allows us to achieve sustainable, long term results including in our health.

After working 12 years in the healthcare industry, studying functional (Eastern and Western) medicine and behavioral psychology...
I’ve put together a system that has helped my clients increase energy, improve lab results, get more fit, and feel confident in their body again!

This proven strategy is called the Healthy Body Fueling Recipe.

I want to show you how it all works in this free training video!

Trust me, it’ll be the best 1 hour investment of your time.
Yes, even better than going to Planet Fitness to sign up for that gym membership you only use in January and never use again…. 👀 (Girl, I’ve done it too! 😅)
I don't have time to watch the training.
just tell me what the program is about...
I gotchu! Here's everything you get as a member of High Performers Health Club:
Group Coaching Calls: 
Need a cheerleader sometimes? Breakthrough mental blocks and get live feedback from a dietitian or health coach during monthly coaching calls. Hear from fellow club members to remind yourself you're not alone! We gotchu!

Adult Recess:
Who says adults can't have fun?! Jump into monthly group movement activities led by vetted industry experts including dance, pilates, yoga, breath work, strength & conditioning. We mix it up to keep it fun & engaging!
Accountability Check-Ins:
Received individual accountability through monthly email check-ins with our coaches.
Sometimes putting our goals down on paper or online, and knowing someone's listening or reading, makes all the difference!

Access to Optimal Performance Nutrition E-Course:
On-Demand videos to help you apply the 4 steps of Healthy Fit Fueling Strategy. The course includes corresponding handouts, worksheets, and journaling prompts to help you dig deep and apply the strategy. Furthermore, you'll get massive discounts to fitness programs led by industry partners who share the similar values of non-dieting and weight-neutral approach to health.

Coming Soon... In-person MIXERS in a major city near you (LA, Chicago, NYC)!

Membership Fee


per month


(2 months free!)
I Want to Join Now!
Dance Class

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You don't have to do it alone!

Join a group of like-minded professionals working to improve their health, together!

Got questions?

Watch this video first, then submit any questions you still have. I promise, I gotchu!

Thanks for submitting!

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