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about sherry


I am the proud daughter of hard working immigrant parents from Taiwan. I grew up cashiering and taking food orders at our small Chinese Carry-out restaurant. This is where my love for food and cooking began.


Despite the long hours and late evenings, my parents still taught me the importance of balancing hard work and having fun! They took my sister and I camping, went on fishing trips, taught me how to play tennis, and let us attend summer camps with our cousins.

The balance of discipline and play informs how I approach nutrition, dance, and entrepreneurship 

to this day.


I strongly believe both food and dance have the power to bring people together. Unfortunately, the negative impacts of diet culture, perfectionism, racism, and other traumatic experiences have left many feeling disconnected with others and themselves. 


As a clinician, creative, and community curator, I'm passionate about helping fellow humans reconnect with their bodies in unique and compassionate ways and reengage in community through a supportive environment. 


Whether you work with us or not, I hope you find a safe space where you can thrive and create a truly

fulfilling life!


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